Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Unplugged Life

December 1st...it's our month to reduce our use of electricity. I am nervous and excited about the big hole in our living room where our TV used to sit. It now sits in the storage closet at Tim's office. Kendall cried twice this morning when reminded that her request to "watch something" would not be fulfilled. Isaac was beyond excited about the ceremonial unplugging of the TV and all that is hooked up to it and proceded to act out shows for Kendall, which truly did make her happy.

We have decided that we will have no electricity use after 10:30pm. If you know Tim and I, you will know that this will actually be so hard for us, as we usually stay up until at least midnight watching TV, shows on the computer, reading, playing games, or being on the computer. We often start a pot of coffee after 10:30! Tonight, I was at a meeting at 2 Story with friends and just got home at 10:00pm. I actually feel physically nervous as I post this and the clock is clicking away closer to our cut off time. I actually have several emmails to read/write besides finishing this post! Oddly enough, I am not able to do diddly squat on my computer due to a virus or something going terribly wrong a couple of nights ago. So...our limited time with this machine will be shared between Tim and I both for the upcoming weeks.

Well, I have gathered the candles in the house, and we are planning to read by candle light in bed tonight. This could be a fun month!!


  1. Michael and I were just talking last night about how, before electricity, there was very little that could be done after dark, and people went to bed earlier. I pondered a learning experience for our family - maybe going a week without lights/tv/computer after dark. Or maybe just a night, lol. Not saying anything about washing machine or dishwasher though...

  2. We are definitely waay behind on laundry and dishes. Why did i wait so late to do these things? I am learning so much. A week trial sounds good! :)
